Christmas is Here in Australia!

Christmas Nativity with the Wise Men

It’s so easy in the rush and bustle of present buying and preparation of Christmas lunch or dinner, to forget the meaning of Christmas.

For Christians, it is the day Christ was born – the day a new awarensss dawned about what it means to be human.

It’s the day that reminds us about our connectiveness and engenders an appreciation of others.  It opens up our hearts to give and receive love – Christmas carols express this so emotively.

Christmas is the day we spend with our families and focus on them – something that is so hard to do in our busy lives.

My wish for you is that the Spirit of Christmas pervades your life and sustains the joy that is so often experienced at this time.

For those of you who do not celebrate Christmas, my thoughts are with you – at a time when you can feel excluded and misunderstood.  It is the diversity of beliefs and faiths and persepctives that enriches our humanity.  If Christmas teaches nothing else, it should serve to build tolerance and respect and valuing differences.