Squidoo is a Marketing Platform

squidoo marketing

squidoo marketing

Squidoo was designed for marketers by an Internet marketer, Seth Godin.  So Seth Godin’s Internet marketing principles are embedded in the Squidoo platform design.

In this post, I’ll explore some of the characteristics of the Squidoo platform design and how you can best make use of these features to further your small business marketing.

[Image Credit: teamstickergiant]

Inbuilt coding for indexing by search engines

If you know any of the technical jargon about guiding the indexing of your website by the search engines (search engine optimisation), then you will have heard of meta tags – basically signposts for the search engine bots that crawl your website for indexing purposes.

These meta tags tell the search engines what your site is about (site description) and what keywords (search terms) you are focusing on.  Normally, you have to create these meta tags yourself.   However, with Squidoo, they are built into the Squidoo platform.  So to take advantage of this you need to do the following:

  • ensure that the name of your Squidoo lens (lens URL) contains your targeted keyword
  • include your primary keyword in the lens description
  • ensure that your primary tag is the same as the keyword in the lens title and description
  • use your keyword, or variations of it, in your module headings
  • ensure your keyword features in your introduction
  • use tags that are clearly relevant to your primary keyword.

Above all, avoid ‘keyword stuffing’ or overuse of keywords to a point where what you write is meaningless.   Primary keywords, and related words, should occur naturally throughout your writing. 

Each lens is a single web page enabling deep indexing by the search engines

The way the Squidoo platform is structured means that each lens is seen by the search engines as a single page, even if the lens is more than 45 modules long as is my primary Squidoo lens:


The net effect of this is that the Google search engine bots can readily engage in deep indexing of Squidoo lenses – which means that your Squidoo lens gets indexed from top to bottom (including comments).  Many webmasters and bloggers engage in all kinds of activities to get Google to index beyond the first page of their websites.  With Squidoo this activity is unnecessary as the Squidoo site is designed to facilitate deep indexing by Google and the other search engines.

I have written about this deep indexing in an article on the article directory, Ezinearticles.com, and explained how this takes place:

Squidoo and Search Engine Indexing

In a another article, I elaborated further on how to make the best use of the fact that the search engines index the whole of a Squidoo lens (deep indexing):

Top 10 Tips to Encourage Deep Indexing of Squidoo Lenses

Squidoo lenses are indexed for multiple keywords

One of things that I discovered through building many Squidoo lenses (100+) is that Google indexes Squidoo lenses for multiple keywords.  One of my lenses on Digital Storytelling was found through more than 300+ search terms (over a 3 month period) on Google’s search results.  This means that Google had indexed my Squidoo lens for more than 300 keywords and searchers were able to find my lens through multiple search terms.  The net effect of this for small business marketing is that by creating Squidoo lenses you are increasing the chances of people finding your website/blog because of the way Google indexes the lenses.

This whole process is illustrated in a PDF document I produced as one of the bonuses of my Social Media Training Program.   This PDF demonstrates how Google indexes Squidoo lenses, shows you how to check your own lenses for indexing by Google and explains how to maximise the chances of your Squidoo lens being found on Google and other search engines.  The core strategy in relation to the last point, is the use of  ‘long tail keywords’ (keywords containing three or more words).  The PDF can be downloaded here (includes a listing of the 300+ keywords for my digital storytelling lens):


This multiple indexing of Squidoo lenses is not something to be taken lightly.  I have subsequently discovered that another of my lenses, Tropical Rainforest Walk, has been found through Google via more than 600 search terms.

Small business marketing can get a real boost from the fundamental design of Squidoo lenses as the Squidoo platform encourages indexing by search engines, facilitates deep indexing  and creates the opportunity for indexing of multiple keywords from the one Squidoo lens.

How to Develop the Habit of Daily Blogging

blogging from Townsville

 blogging from Townsville

Over the past 30 days I have been blogging daily (with the odd exception due to work/travel commitments).   To blog daily takes a concerted effort and systematic planning.  However, the benefits of daily blogging are well worth the effort.  Persistence pays in small business marketing.

It is possible to work up to a daily schedule by gradually improving your current blogging schedule.  Alternatively, you can aim for a daily blogging schedule with some advanced planning then adjust your technique as you go.

Whatever approach you use, think about how you are going to achieve your blogging goal and develop some strategies to make it easier for yourself.

Strategies to achieve your daily blogging goal

These strategies are based on my own experience and underpin my daily blogging routine:

  1. Take time out to do a brainstorm of topics relevant to the theme of your blog.  If you can’t come up with 20 or more topics then you might have to rethink the focus of your blog 
  2. Add to your brainstorming list on a daily basis (I use ‘Notepad” or my phone’s ‘notes’ application for this)
  3. Plan the night before what your topic will be for the next day – you will be surprised how busy your sub-conscious mind becomes overnight so you wake up with a potential post 
  4. Give blogging a priority over web surfing or processing your emails (unless work-based urgent ones are involved)
  5. Undertake focused reading – blogs, articles or e-books to stimulate your thinking
  6. Watch videos or participate in web conferences in moderation – beware of the trap of an obsession with learning at the expense of doing (blogging)
  7. Listen to podcasts when doing other things such as walking or house cleaning (your iPod comes in handy here)
  8. Write whenever and wherever you can, even if it is only notes on a topic, e.g. while riding on a train or ferry or while flying to a destination (I wrote this blog post and the previous one while flying from Brisbane to Townsville –  a two hour trip.  The photo above was taken from my Townsville hotel room looking across to Magnetic Island as I keyed up what I wrote on the plane trip.  The photo was taken from the 17th Floor with the 8 MP Camera in my Samsung Galaxy S II  Smart Phone.)
  9. Use a technique that enables you to capture your ideas on a topic at different times of the day – you could write notes on paper, on your smart phone or on your computer (use your preferred mode that helps to increase your productivity)
  10. Match your blog post to your available time or access to your computer. If you have limited time on a particular day, don’t choose a topic that requires in-depth research.  Choose something that you can write off the top of your head if time is limited
  11. Develop a schedule for writing.  Identify an ideal time that matches your body clock and creative energy flow  (e.g. if you are a morning person write in the early morning)
  12. If daily blogging is currently beyond your capacity, aim to increase the current frequency of your blogging to an achievable level, e.g. from monthly to weekly, from weekly to twice weekly. The existence of a new goal will help you increase your blogging frequency.  You have to be realistic if you have limited capacity because of work/family commitments, writing difficulties or limited knowledge
  13. If you see a stimulating email or link to a great blog post that is relevant to your focus, store it in a readily accessible folder so that you can use it later as a catalyst for a blog post
  14. Store your resource material (e-books, podcasts, videos, checklists, images) in accessble folders under topic headings related to your focus
  15. If you have responded to a query from someone on your mailing list, convert your response to a blog post
  16. Actively focus on improving your productivity online
  17. Try to get ahead of the daily schedule by writing a couple of posts in one sitting – this will give you a bit of breathing space when you need it and, if your have a WordPress blog, you can set the publish date for sometime in the future
  18. Where possible, encourage a guest blogger to make occasional contributions – as you become established you may want to open the guest blogging option to a number of people as my friends have done at SquidLog.net
  19. Above all else, don’t beat up on yourself if you don’t achieve your blogging target.  Persist but don’t punish yourself.  Review why you missed your target, adopt corrective strategies or amend your goal if it is unrealistic.
  20. If at first you don’t succeed … try, try again (This is my 3rd attempt to create a daily blogging schedule).

Daily blogging can enhance your authority in your niche and build web traffic and sales, but it requires focus, discipline and sound techniques to develop and maintain the momentum.

How Often Should You Blog?

blogging on the computer

blogging on the computer

The question of the desired frequency of blogging often comes up in the context of small business marketing.   In my experience, the more often I create blog posts, the more visitors I receive and the more income I earn.

Google values currency of information and will give more weight in search results to a site that is regularly updated.   This, in turn, leads to more traffic and more sales.

The fundamental challenge, then, is to find a topic that is (1) relevant to your business, ((2) incites your interest and passion and (3) taps into your knowledge base.  If you don’t have the requisite knowledge base when you start, you can always build your knowledge as you go, provided you have the interest and passion (which sustain you during the tough times).

While blogging at least weekly is considered a minimum frequency, the more successful bloggers argue the case for daily blogging.

Benefits of daily blogging

There are a number of significant benefits that arise from daily blogging.  They relate to your recognised expertise and visibility, your productivity and satisfaction of customer needs for information.  Here are some benefits of daily blogging that I have identified to date:

  • You establish your credibility and demonstrate your depth of expertise
  • You make your mark and stand out from other bloggers because so few bloggers are able to, or willing to, commit to daily blogging
  • You increase the opportunity for potential customers to find your blog because of the wide range of search terms (keywords) you will invariably cover while blogging with such frequency
  • You give your readers a reason to re-visit your blog – because they know that you will have fresh material on a regular basis
  • Blogging becomes easier the more you blog – a universal rule about writing
  • You develop a momentum that feeds off itself – like any habit it builds energy and commitment
  • The more you write the more topics come to mind – I find that for every blog post I do, I get two or three more ideas for other posts
  • Once you start daily blogging your conscious mind is constantly on the alert for relevant topics that you can write about – you start to see things that you overlooked before
  • Blogging provides a real foundation for small business marketing online as it generates content to share on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Squidoo.

Daily blogging brings its own rewards – not the least of which is that you are creating valuable online real estate by generating current, original content on a regular basis.

Tell the Google Bots Where To Go!

Lazy Bot

site map with links


When I discussed Webmaster Tools earlier, I mentioned the need to create a sitemap for your website and submit it to Google.  I will discuss how to do the creation and submission of a site map in this post because it is critical to the indexing of your website by Google and determines how your website will be found through search queries on Google (and other search engines).

A sitemap is basically, as the name suggests, a map or directory of your website, so that the structure and priority of the files on your website can be displayed for easy access by the search engines.   You can see from the sitemap extract above that the sitemap for Small Business Odyssey has a hyperlinked list of files, a priority rating (percentage) and a frequency rating (to tell the search engines how frequently to index that part of the website).  

Why create a sitemap and why submit it to Webmaster Tools?

Lazy BotWell, in non-technical language, it seems that the Google Bots (robots that crawl your website) are lazy ‘creatures” and do not go out of their way to properly index your site for the Google search engine.  They take the easy way out – they only go where the path is clearly laid out for them.  They don’t like deadends (broken links) or confused pathways (disconnected files randomly located).   When I look at how Google is currently indexing my Small Business Odyssey blog, I am even more convinced of how lazy the Google Bots are – it seems that they need to be spoon-fed the information, otherwise they do a poor job of indexing your website.

So the primary reason for creating a sitemap for Google is to enable the Google Bots to comprehensively index your website.   Otherwise, a lot of your website may not appear in Google’s index and will not be found by Internet searchers.  Google admits as much by this comment on Webmaster Tools:

Submit a Sitemap to tell Google about pages on your site we might not otherwise discover.

Creating an XML Sitemap

This brings us to the creation of a sitemap.  I am suggesting that you create this sitemap initially as a .XML file because it is easy for the lazy Bots to read completely.  This sitemap format basically lets the Google Bots into the back engine room of your site and shows them around – where files are located and how they are linked by type (home page, static pages, dynamic pages, categories, tags).

If this post appears too technical for you, just make sure that your Webmaster has created an XML sitemap for your website and submitted it to Google.  

Here are the steps for creation of your XML sitemap:

  1. Download the free WordPress Plugin for the Google XML Sitemap Generator.
  2. Upload the XML Sitemap Generator to your website (via your WordPress Admin panel)
  3. Make adjustments to the default settings (if you wish)
  4. Click ‘create sitemap’ and you will very quickly have a site map and a stated location (URL) for your sitemap.

The beauty of this WordPress Plugin for creating Google XML Sitemaps is that it offers multiple options in terms of settings, automatically submits the sitemap to Google, Ask.com and Bing search engines and updates automatically when you change a file on your website.  So it is comprehensive and dynamic.

In terms of adjustments to default settings, most commentators suggest that you leave the defaults as they are – it certainly makes life simpler.  However, I would suggest that you may want to change the default for ‘priority’ – the default setting tells the Google Bots to give priority to the posts that have the most comments.  This may not be meaningful if you have a really new site.  I have set up my priorities in the following order –  home page, recent posts, static pages, older posts, categories and tags.  I will change this as the Small Business Odyssey site becomes more established and generates more traffic and comments. 

The other default setting you may want to change before you click the “create sitemap’ button, is ‘Change Frequency’. For example, the default setting tells the Google Bots to index your posts weekly.   However, if you are creating blog posts on a daily basis, you should change the ‘frequency’ to daily.  The Google Bots may ignore this suggestion (remember they are basically lazy), but it is better to at least express your wishes.  Google’s own experts, such as Matt Cutts, tell us that the more frequently you update your site with relevant information, the more often the Google Bots will crawl your site and the deeper (more thoroughly) they will index your website.

I’ve made a few adjustments to the priority and frequency default settings for my XML sitemap and you can see the result here:


Here’s a YouTube video that simplifies the whole process and shows you exactly what to do (there are no adjustments to defaults and the WordPress Plugin is downloaded directly to the Admin panel via the built-in Plugin search facility): 


How to submit your XML sitemap to Google’s Webmaster Tools 

You might wonder why we need to do this extra step as the WordPress XML Sitemap Generator automatically submits your sitemap to Google (and to Bing and Ask.com).  Well, I think it comes back to our lazy Google Bots again – they don’t go out of their way to find the sitemap, so you have to put it in front of them!   If you check out the screenshots below, you will also see how Google takes up the information from the sitemap on Webmaster Tools and begins to integrate it into its index.  So submitting the sitemap to Google’s Webmaster Tools is a way to get direct access to Google’s index (although it may take some time for all of the information to be indexed).

The process of submission of your sitemap to Google’s Webmaster Tools is very simple:

  1. log in to your Webmaster Tools site
  2. click on the web address (URL) for your verified website 
  3. click the ‘site configuration’ menu item
  4. click the ‘sitemaps’ menu item
  5. enter your sitemap address where indicated (see image below).

  sitemap submission to webmaster tools

When you first submit your sitemap, the above image will appear with the messages ‘submitted URLs – O’ and “index count pending’ (and status shown as ‘in progress’).   Take heart, this is Google trying to identify all your files from the sitemap and integrating them into their index.   After some processing time, you will see the following image that indicates successful submission:

Google indexing sitemap on Webmaster Tools

So this indicates that Google has taken on board your website pages (URLs) and has loaded them into their index.  The actual indexing in terms of search terms (keywords) will occur over an unspecified period (you can’t rush the Google Bots).

Creating and submitting an XML sitemap to Google’s Webmaster Tools is critical for small business marketing because it ensures effective indexing of your website so that Internet searchers can find your website through your targeted search terms (keywords).

Do You Know How People Find Your Website on Google?

webmaster tools - menu

webmaster tools


Google’s Webmaster Tools (GWT) show you clearly how Internet users find your website through Google’s search results.  You can learn, for example, what search terms result in your site being displayed and which of these are the top queries for your website. 

Registering with Google Webmaster Tools and verifying your website

You need to visit Google’s Webmaster Tools site and sign in using your Google account.   This is the image you will see when you visit the site:

Google Webmaster Tools

Just click on the ‘Sign in to Webmaster Tools’ button and follow the instructions to enter username and password.  Once you are on the site, you will see a button, ‘ADD A SITE’ and you will be able to add the web address (URL) of your website.  

Before any results are reported, you will need to verify that you are the owner of the website.  Google Webmaster Tools explains how to do this and one of the options is to copy a verification file to your website (so that Google can check that you actually have Webmaster rights/access to the site you listed). 

Once you are verified, you will then need to be patient as Google takes some time to crawl your site and start reporting results.  I would give it a few days if you want to get anything meaningful.  The Google bots take holidays too – they don’t visit your site every day (unless your site is a really top ranked site or is updated daily and you let Google know about it).

What the Webmaster Tools tell you about how people find you in Google search results

Webmaster Tools provides information to show you how your site is seen on the web – it covers search queries, links to your site, keywords, internal links and subscriber statistics.  This information is accessible via the left hand menu:

 webmaster tools - menu

What I want to focus on in this post, is the ‘search queries’ information and its implications.   If you click on “search queries” in Webmaster Tools, you can find out valuable information about your website: 

  • Queries: the total number of different search queries in Google that resulted in your site being displayed; this is the number of search terms that generated a listing of your site in Google’s search results (for the period you specify). 
  • Query: a search term used by an Internet searcher that resulted in your website being listed in the Google search results; Google lists the top search terms (in descending order of frequency) that result in your website appearing in Google’s search results. 
  • Impressions:  the number of times one of your web pages appears in the Google search results for viewing by someone who searches on Google; Google gives you the total number of impressions ordered by query, along with the percentage change over the previous period.  
  • Clickthrough Rate (CTR): how many times your website impressions (appearances in Google’s search results) produced a click; Google expresses the clickthrough rate as a percentage (number of clicks as a percentage of number of impressions). 
  • Average Position: what position on the search results your website appeared at for a specified query; Google expresses this as an average position and shows the change in terms of ‘+’ or ‘–‘ the number of positions (improvements in position are shown in green). 

So through the Webmaster Tools you can learn the total number of Google ‘queries’ that resulted in your site being displayed.  You can establish what Google search queries were used to locate your site and which of these search terms generated the most traffic.  You can also establish which search terms resulted in the most clicks.   The other valuable piece of information is your average page rank for a particular query (which will impact heavily on your impressions and clickthrough rate). 

In the following diagram, I show how Google illustrates these results (this is the result over two days for my new site, a day after I registered the site on Webmaster Tools):


 webmaster tools - top queries


To access this representation of your search queries results, you click on ‘more’ at the end of your ‘query’ listing and the illustration will appear.  The image above is for ‘top queries’ and the illustration below is for ‘top pages’ (you can choose these options by using the tabs at the top left).

 webmaster tools - top pages

At the top on the left hand side, there is a button ‘Filters’ that allows you to set parameters for the displayed information, e.g. by geography.

Mining the riches of Webmaster Tools

There is a lot more to Google’s Webmaster Tools than at first meets the eye.  As you go deeper into this Google tool, you can find a rich store of information that can help your site get indexed better by Google, crawled more often by the Google bots, displayed more frequently in search results and visited more often – it’s up to you to tell Google what you want. 

In subsequent posts, I will explore some of the things that you can do based on other information that is available in Google’s Webmaster Tools:

  • What to do if you don’t like your search query results shown on Webmaster Tools
  • How to improve Google’s indexing of your targeted keywords
  • How to improve backlinking for your website
  • What to do to create more internal links
  • How to create and submit a sitemap
  • What to do about Google’s diagnosis of your website.

These topics alone demonstrate how important it is to use the Webmaster Tools  to understand how people find your site on Google and how Google actually ‘sees’ your site.